Watch out for counterfeit engine oil in Russia

2016. január 13.

Mother Russia is the Eastern Europe`s “land of opportunity” and one of the most renowned countries for counterfeit products, starting with sports articles, mobile phones and moving on to the auto industry, where the counterfeit engine oil business has alarmingly increased over the past few years.

2016. január 13.|Kategóriák: News|

Observatory newsletter

2015. október 28.

The Observatory produces a quarterly newsletter with information on its latest activities and enforcement tools, as well as news about its stakeholders from all around Europe.

2015. október 28.|Kategóriák: News|

DMCA: Guide, Tools and Resources

2015. augusztus 13.

Since the turn of the century, users have uploaded thousands of hours of digital content to the Internet. That includes music, movies, games, and much more. What protects content creators when someone violates copyright laws and posts their work online without their consent? The answer is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, also known as the DMCA. Provisions of the DMCA protect "creatives," webmasters, and others from copyright violators by providing a process anyone can use to have legally protected work removed from a website.

2015. augusztus 13.|Kategóriák: News|

Festival interview: the message of the No fake! tent is shocking and educative

2014. augusztus 28.

The National Board Against Counterfeiting (NBAC) awaited visitors in 2014 in two festivals, namely the Valley of Arts and Sziget, in its programme tent. In Taliándörögd (location of the Valley of Arts) they focused on the presentation of counterfeited products, while in Budapest (location of Sziget) on thematic talks, performances and games. The questions were answered by Mónika Németh, Secretary of NBAC.

2014. augusztus 28.|Kategóriák: News|